"Compassion and tolerance are not
a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength."
According to Sky News "There was a degree of bemusement in Downing Street when the Chinese state news agency reported Beijing had "serious concerns" at Gordon Brown's plan to meet the Dalai Lama.
There is real nervousness about the implications of this affair for relations with China."
In Portugal, Cavaco Silva, the republic president, refuse the invitation to be at the Olympic Games, but he also refuse, months ago, a private meeting with Dalai Lama.
According to Reporters Without Borders
Foreign journalists have been stopped from entering the province and tight censorship has been imposed on the Internet and in the Chinese press. The authorities have since 12 March refused to grant foreign correspondents permits to enter Tibet and at least 25 journalists, including 15 from Hong Kong, have reportedly been expelled from Tibet or Tibetan areas.
Se todos fossemos como ele...
é só começar a pensar que sim. que podemos ser todos como ele. ;)
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