Não quero dizer com isto que seja demasiado liberal, mas não podemos prender ninguém a nós,
nem lançar a âncora no coração de outrém assim de quelque façon.
Por tudo isto e, principalmente, porque cresci nestas coisas do amor ao som deste refrão
lembrei-me dele. Porque há muito que soltei as amarras and i threw away the key...
If you need somebody, call my name
If you want someone, you can do the same
If you want to keep something precious
You got to lock it up and throw away the key
If you want to hold onto your possession
Don't even think about me
If you love somebody, set them free
If you want someone, you can do the same
If you want to keep something precious
You got to lock it up and throw away the key
If you want to hold onto your possession
Don't even think about me
If you love somebody, set them free